Stone & Meaning


Calcite is a versatile and widely occurring mineral with the chemical formula CaCO₃, consisting of calcium carbonate. It’s one of the most common minerals found in sedimentary rocks and is...


Calcite is a versatile and widely occurring mineral with the chemical formula CaCO₃, consisting of calcium carbonate. It’s one of the most common minerals found in sedimentary rocks and is...

Blue Aventurine

Blue aventurine is a stunning variety of aventurine, a type of quartz known for its shimmering appearance due to tiny mineral inclusions. This blue variant is particularly prized for its...

Blue Aventurine

Blue aventurine is a stunning variety of aventurine, a type of quartz known for its shimmering appearance due to tiny mineral inclusions. This blue variant is particularly prized for its...

Blue Amber

Blue amber is a rare and captivating variety of amber known for its striking blue hues. Unlike traditional amber, which is typically golden or brown, blue amber can exhibit a...

Blue Amber

Blue amber is a rare and captivating variety of amber known for its striking blue hues. Unlike traditional amber, which is typically golden or brown, blue amber can exhibit a...

Blue Agate

Blue agate is a beautiful variety of agate known for its calming blue hues, which can range from light, pastel blues to deep, rich shades. Agate is a type of...

Blue Agate

Blue agate is a beautiful variety of agate known for its calming blue hues, which can range from light, pastel blues to deep, rich shades. Agate is a type of...

Black Garnet

Black garnet, also known as *melanite*, is a type of garnet that exhibits a deep black or very dark brown color. It is part of the andradite group of garnets,...

Black Garnet

Black garnet, also known as *melanite*, is a type of garnet that exhibits a deep black or very dark brown color. It is part of the andradite group of garnets,...


Bismuth crystals are renowned for their stunning, iridescent colors and intricate geometric shapes. When bismuth is melted and then cooled, it forms crystals with a characteristic stair-step structure and a...


Bismuth crystals are renowned for their stunning, iridescent colors and intricate geometric shapes. When bismuth is melted and then cooled, it forms crystals with a characteristic stair-step structure and a...