Kristály és jelentés


Chiastolite is a distinctive variety of andalusite, a mineral known for its unique cross-like pattern caused by the presence of graphite or other inclusions within the stone. This pattern creates...


Chiastolite is a distinctive variety of andalusite, a mineral known for its unique cross-like pattern caused by the presence of graphite or other inclusions within the stone. This pattern creates...


Charoite is a rare and striking gemstone known for its unique, vivid colors and swirling patterns. Discovered in the 1940s in Siberia, Russia, charoite is named after the Chara River,...


Charoite is a rare and striking gemstone known for its unique, vivid colors and swirling patterns. Discovered in the 1940s in Siberia, Russia, charoite is named after the Chara River,...

Chalcedony Quartz

Chalcedony quartz is a versatile and attractive variety of quartz known for its smooth texture and wide range of colors. It is a type of cryptocrystalline quartz, which means its...

Chalcedony Quartz

Chalcedony quartz is a versatile and attractive variety of quartz known for its smooth texture and wide range of colors. It is a type of cryptocrystalline quartz, which means its...


Celestite, also known as celestine, is a beautiful mineral characterized by its stunning blue color and crystalline structure. Its name is derived from the Latin word "caelestis," meaning "celestial," which...


Celestite, also known as celestine, is a beautiful mineral characterized by its stunning blue color and crystalline structure. Its name is derived from the Latin word "caelestis," meaning "celestial," which...

Cat's Eye

Cat's eye is a fascinating gemstone renowned for its distinctive optical effect known as chatoyancy, which resembles the slit-like reflection seen in a cat's eye. This effect is created by...

Cat's Eye

Cat's eye is a fascinating gemstone renowned for its distinctive optical effect known as chatoyancy, which resembles the slit-like reflection seen in a cat's eye. This effect is created by...

Candle Quartz

Candle quartz, also known as "cactus quartz" or "spirit quartz," is a fascinating and visually striking variety of quartz known for its unique crystal formations and sparkling appearance. This mineral...

Candle Quartz

Candle quartz, also known as "cactus quartz" or "spirit quartz," is a fascinating and visually striking variety of quartz known for its unique crystal formations and sparkling appearance. This mineral...